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C20 is a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who Receive the Word with all readiness and search the scriptures daily. We Love each other with all Kindness, and seek to establish discipleship while building accountability that secures our Faith through Patience and Joy. We pledge to continually Fortify our commitment to Christ so that He will become the controlling reality in our lives!

Regularly Occurring Events NOT Postponed by Covid

Sunday Morning Class – 10am

Wednesday Evening Class – 7pm

Individual Meals – Monday Nights @ 6pm:  We have students over individually or as couples to have a meal with my family.  Its one of the best things we do in our ministry and it helps us to get to know each student/young adult better.

C20 2019 Class Pic.jpg
Kickoff Cookout 2019.jpg
Regularly Occurring Events – Postponed by Covid

Wednesday Evening Meal – 6pm before Service
We usually have a C20 meal prepared by members of the church each week for our college and young adult students.  It is a great opportunity to get a home cooked meal while getting to know members of the church.

Thursday Evening Devotionals – 6pm at The Bohannon's
We have students over to our house bi-weekly for another home cooked meal and a devotional thought.  We often play games and watch movies after the devo.

Thursday Evening – Second Mile – 6pm at The Bohannon's
On the opposite week of our devotionals, we have students over for another group within our C20 ministry called – Second Mile.  This group is based on Matthew 5:41 “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.”  In this group we focus our studies completely on understanding, and becoming, better disciples.  We learn and put into practice ways to reach out to our community.  By sharing the message of Christ, helping people in needed, and by doing our best to go above and beyond in every situation we encounter.

C20 Trips

Before Covid – We would regularly plan trips to different places.  Here are a few of the trips we have taken so far:

St. Louis Cardinal Game

The Ark

Top Golf

Retreats – (Planned Once a Year)

Nathan Bedford State Park (Camden Tn.)


Future Trip (When Possible) – Branson Mo.
We plan to go see a show at the Sight and Sound Theatre (Showing Now – Noah). 

And then we are planning a day at Silver Dollar City (An Amusement Park in Branson).

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