We have Bible classes for all age groups. When you visit, we'll be happy
to help you find a class you'll enjoy.
Bible School Program (Nursery - 5th Grade) - Jay Stark, Deacon
Great emphasis is given to learning the stories of the Bible and greatest of all — how to be like Jesus. Since this is so vital, we provide excellent learning environments for our children from the nursery class through 5th grade. Qualified supervisors and teachers carefully evaluate and select the materials for study with the objective of giving students a good knowledge of the Bible.
Supervisors for the Bible School Program are:
Thenia Gibson – Nursery to 3 year old
Jay Stark – Pre-K to 5th grade
Education Committee:
Phil Morris, Jay Stark, Thenia Gibson, Kathy Ernstberger, Laken Falwell, Connie Evans
Bible School Program (6th - 12th Grade) - Jacob Vaughan
Bible education is a top priority at Glendale Road. Our desire is to build upon the basic principles taught and explored in preschool and elementary classes in order to shape young people into being faithful, even in adolescence. Our goal is to train - in conjunction with the family - teenagers that make a difference in their world and to begin a journey with God that grows with intensity and commitment. We offer separate classes every Sunday and Wednesday for both middle and high school.
College Ministry (C-20)
The focus of this program is to minister to the spiritual and emotional needs of our college-age members and to provide an evangelistic outreach to our local university students. We have classes that are designed to emphasize following our Savior's pattern of life and love for our fellow men. There are various activities and opportunities for these young adults including: Wednesday evening meals, devotionals, retreats, mission work, and service activities. We have also participated in "Great Beginnings" on the Murray State campus.
Adult Education - Vernon Gantt
The purpose of the program is to offer a variety of classes for the adult population of the Glendale Road congregation. These classes are offered on both Sunday at 10 a.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. The subject material varies with each class and in many cases is determined by the class members. The purpose of each class is to give support and encouragement to one another as well as a better understanding of the scriptures and the ability to apply the word of God to daily lives.
Vacation Bible School - Jacob Vaughan
The Glendale Road church hosts a week-long VBS in June each year for children up to 5th grade. The primary goal is to involve the children in the Biblical story to show how God has been faithful to the world since the beginning and also to share the Bible culture and times. Our week consists of a rotation of drama, puppets, crafts and refreshments.
Education Special (Ladies Bible Class, New Members Orientation, etc.) - Vernon Gantt
Education programs other than actual Sunday morning or Wednesday evening Bible classes are grouped together in the Special category. This includes Tuesday Ladies' Bible Class and Orientation for New Members.
Young N' Heart - Tyler Bohannon
Since the early 1980s, emphasis has been given to a work among the elderly, called Young "N" Heart. Those over 55 years of age are invited to a Bible class each Thursday morning at 10:30am. Following class, women of the church feed the group for a nominal fee. Afterward, the group enjoys an activity of entertainment or conversation. Tyler Bohannon teaches class each week, while Dana Scarbrough organizes the activities which include occasional trips out of town for food, shopping, sightseeing and other enjoyment.
Library - Jay Stark - Deacon
First organized in 1964, the church library underwent a complete relocation, renovation and reorganization in 2010 and 2011. Opened in the summer of 2011, the new library incorporates a totally automated state-of-the-art cataloging and circulation system for the well over 4,000 cataloged items in the system. Internet accessible computers are available as well as the PC Study Bible. The library is maintained by professionally trained staff as well as by the assistance of more than a dozen volunteers. The Glendale Road Library is open not only to the local church but to the larger community as well during the following hours:
8:30-9:00 a.m.
10:10-11:30 a.m.
5:30-6:00 p.m.
7:00-7:30 p.m.
6:30-7:00 p.m.
8:00-8:30 p.m.